One human to another, we can keep the focus on compassion and empathy.
This article first appeared on The Good Men Project and has been republished with permission.
Compassion is a powerful force that can transform pain into peace, abundance, and joy.
There are many people in pain, either physical or emotional as well as both at the same time, who are helped and healed through the kindness and compassion from another human being. Though it’s hard to avoid the many broadcasts about our powerful “leaders” and the cold-heartedness, abuse and indifference for the well-being of the people they serve and humanity in general, it’s vital we combat heartless actions with empathy and compassionate deeds of caring and kindness.
Focusing on the many public figures that represent active and concerned actions showing real compassion for all humans is a significant step towards reversing the hateful negativity that’s hurting millions of people, not just in America but worldwide.
If media outlets don’t find empathy and compassion exciting enough to report as a “breaking story” every day then let’s seek out the good stories for ourselves.
I was moved when I saw Jimmy Kimmel share his deeply personal and emotional news about his newborn son, Billy, and the emergency heart surgery that saved his life. His praise of the doctors and nurses at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles was heartfelt as he also made a plea to the public to support, preserve and expand health care insurance for everyone. Jimmy Kimmel’s experience moved him to speak up compassionately for every child and parent to have the best possible healthcare, without exclusions, available to them when it is needed. Yet, he was criticized for that public plea for compassion and responsibility by political leaders that could give us that peace of mind.
Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are admired and known for their support, compassion, and success in passing the Affordable Care Act, The Clean Power Plan, a global agreement to combat climate change, “Let Girls Learn” which supports education of young girls around the world in at-risk countries, and the “Hunger-Free Kids Act” that funds school meal programs to feed poverty level children in schools. All of these programs are now in jeopardy or cut from our national budget. These initiatives help people worldwide, especially the climate actions which were set to preserve humanity. Fortunately, the former president and first lady continue to support and work towards preserving their legacy and progress us towards a better life for all.
The super-rich are not all selfish or heartless. Bill Gates and his wife Melinda run their foundation that supports healthcare, education, technology, environment and relief from hunger and poverty in America and globally. They give millions of dollars a year to support and preserve humankind. Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Pricilla pledged to give 99% (45 billion dollars) of the value of their Facebook shares to charity in honor of the birth of their daughter Max to make the world a better place for her and her generation.
These and many more compassionate and charitable gestures from those who have power, fame, and resources are the leaders we can promote as the top news of the day and the viral sensations that move people to take action and have faith and hope that there is a stronger positive force for good than negativity and destruction.
There’s an even more important focus that everyone can easily see, experience, and do right where you are. I am talking about recognizing the empathy, caring, compassion and love that your mother and father and other family members give to you. Gestures of kindness and support to your friends and co-workers extend to your whole group. The stranger that does a good deed for another, smiles and brightens your day, and listens to your story with true empathy.
We aren’t alone; we are a tribe of humans wanting the same success, abundance, health, and love for all.
It is there, and all around you, so please take notice and extend that empathy, compassion, and love out into the world as our weapon to fight back the forces that want to bring destruction, waste, and pain. We must win!
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