Caitlin Bishop

Caitlin Bishop


Caitlin Bishop Articles

“The more we lie, the less likely we are to have an emotional response that accompanies it."

Telling Small Lies Can Turn You Into A Pathological Liar 

Small lies are so easy. We use them to avoid pain, dodge conflict, save time. But all these small, seemingly harmless “white” lies are leading to a bigger problem. New research, out of the University College London, shows telling little lies desensitizes our brain to dishonesty.

She showed me exactly how powerful women can be.

I Am So Grateful To Be The Daughter Of A Working Mom 

Children of working moms have a lot to be grateful for.

There are so many (too many?) options when it comes to fulfilling different needs and desires in the bedroom. Image: Chelsea Yarger/Pixabay.

Don't Let Different Sex Drives Kill Your Relationship

One of you wants more sex, and the other probably hasn’t realized there was a problem. They’re not interested in more sex, or maybe they’re not interested in sex in general. But it’s a conversation that needs to happen.

Your partner knows you need their support. But you can't bring yourself to connect, or meet their needs. Image: Thinkstock.

Sex Drive: The Forgotten Victim Of Depression

Sex is not something we often hear about when talking about depression. But we should. Because it stops. Sex drive plummets.
