Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media Articles
How's this for a scary statistic: Studies show that kids as young as 5 say they don’t like their bodies. We need to raise body-positive kids!
Read...Learn how what you post on social media can hurt — and help — the admissions process.
Read...Getting kids off their devices is so tough... threatening doesn't work... two-minute warnings aren't the best option either.. what can you do?
Read...Eight ideas to make your device more usable for kids with special needs.
Read...For kids with special needs, video games can offer opportunities to practice everything from communication skills to organization.
Read...It's understandable if you don't feel like putting on a happy face every day and keeping your kids optimistic about the future. But don't give up.
Read...How do you talk about sexual harassment if you haven't even talked about sex?