Cynthia Lawrence

Cynthia Lawrence


A born- and- bred Londoner, Cynthia Lawrence is a freelance journalist and editor. She began her media journey as a production assistant at the news hub of MTV Networks Europe before making the transition to music journalism. She eventually broke into the world of feature writing and editing for women's lifestyle magazines. She now spends her time writing for Huffington Post, Bella, Chat UK magazines amongst others, and currently sub-edits for The Sun Online, Britain’s best-selling newspaper.   Bizarre career moments have been plentiful, but nothing beats the night Mariah Carey attempted to get her drunk during an interview, an impromptu serenade by Terrence Howard, and important marriage advice from Toni Braxton (“trim those hedges!”).  She lives in Kent, England with her long-suffering hubby, and their Marvel superheroes obsessed 4-year-old son.

Cynthia Lawrence Articles

After Divorce: Who Keeps The Friends?

"So what happens when the split is acrimonious and your friends end up dumping you, too? Suddenly you’re treated as an outcast, and when you bump into them in the street, they pretend they haven’t seen you, even when you’re standing in the next line in Costco!"

It's not as fun as it looks.

10 Truths About Hosting A Child’s Birthday Party

2. Searching for an anti-allergen birthday cake. Back in the day, there was only one birthday cake (usually homemade). All the kids would eat it problem-free, and the only emergency would be little Jack vomiting on a chair. But with today’s abundance of nut, gluten, wheat, egg and you-name-it allergies, vomiting is the least of your worries. Now, your mission is to find a cake (or several) that will not require antihistamines afterwards.


How To Say No And Not Feel Guilty

As an only child, my father always told me, “You don’t have to be liked by everyone, and you don’t have to like them, too.” I guess I always sought a sense of approval from those around me growing up, and the desire to be ‘liked’ by my peers was vital.

New Year. New Bras.

10 Ways To Own This Year! (Spoiler Alert: Buy New Underwear)

4. Bring sexy back — Your underwear drawer is starting to resemble your gran's. What happened to the sexy lingerie you used to enjoy buying (a long time ago)?

Is it possible to shift the dialogue when it comes to teaching masculinity to boys? Image: Thinkstock.

We Have To Change The Kind Of Masculinity We Teach Our Sons

I guess we are all guilty of gender-typing to some degree. It’s ingrained deep in our subconscious and culture. Everywhere we go: shopping malls, in the media, play groups, schools, public bathrooms — and the list goes on. But is it possible to shift the dialogue when it comes to teaching masculinity to boys?

"Selfish" or not, why should I feel pressured or bad about not wanting another baby right now?

Stop Making Me Feel Bad For Only Having One Child (Coming From An Only Child Herself)

"When is there going to be baby number two?" It's a familiar question to those who opt to have an only child. But it's no one else's business whether or not I have another child.

Just don't do it.

4 Reasons To Stop Asking, "When Are You Going To Have A Baby?"

Just because a couple decides to marry doesn’t automatically mean that they want kids. Many couples in loving relationships simply want to share a life together — without any children. There is no rule to say they should.

No parent wants to see their kids suffer as a result, and we tend to stay because we “owe” it to them to play “happy family.”

Together Apart: 4 Reasons People Who Want To Get Divorced Don't

It's so easy to sit and pass judgment on why friends or family stay “trapped” in unhappy relationships. We often wonder why she hasn’t left him/her, why can't she see that she could do much better, why can't she value her self-worth, etc.

But while it may seem like the logical thing to do, for many, it’s not so simple in reality. Many complex factors come to play, and people “stick it out” for all kinds of reasons, often at a personal price.

I love me...I mean you.

The 10 Guys You'll Date Before Meeting 'The One'

The player — His shady behavior raises suspicions, and he never seems to elaborate on what he’s been doing. His phone constantly bleeps which he deliberately ignores (“must be the mother again…”) before switching it off.

Lost your job? No what?

You've Lost Your Job. Now What?

After the initial shock and panic, it’s easy to wallow in a sea of self-pity (over a bottle of red). But don’t let it be all doom and gloom. Dust yourself off, get your Olivia Pope thinking-cap on and get it ‘handled’.
