Joni Edelman

Joni Edelman


Joni Edelman is a 40 year-old mother of five (ages 3 to19!), wife, RN, and freelance writer. Also notable, had a baby in her kitchen. Favorite activities include: gardening, hoarding yarn, cake (baking and eating). Less favorite activities include: laundry, laundry, laundry. Joni has appeared on The Today Show, Inside Edition, The Rachael Ray Show, Weekend Sunrise Australia, Canada AM, and Sirius Radio. In print you can find Joni's story in The Daily Mail, The Chicago Tribune, Huffington Post, Yahoo, and a host of others, but you're probably bored of all this nonsense by now. Completely understandable. Joni aspires to inspire. You can check out her personal website here.

Joni Edelman Articles

Credit: ThinkStock

5 Things To Know About Vaginas

1. All vaginas are good vaginas.

The writer with her husband and five kids

Words Can't Do My Motherly Love Justice 

When I had my first child, I couldn't have prepared for the way it would make me feel.

Credit: ThinkStock

MommaBare Advice: How Do I Raise Children With Healthy Body Image When I Struggle With My Own?

How do I raise a boy to love and respect all women regardless of size in a world where he is bombarded with images of what is attractive?


Why It's Time To Banish Mommy Guilt

So you fed your baby some formula instead of breast milk. His future is not shot. Really. It's not—and The Guilt serves no one.


Ask Momma Bare: Is PMS To Blame For Emotional Eating?

At certain points in the month I definitely feel worse about my body. I'm much less confident and more prone to eating the wrong things, and not doing physical exercise.

Virgie Tovar = Babe

#RavsWriters: Virgie Tovar — Our Favorite Babe Writer Takes The Cake 

Welcome to #RavsWriters, an opportunity for you to get to know some of the outstanding human beings who fervently type to make Ravishly the aw

Me and my brood, proto-feminist sons included

How I'm Raising My Sons To Be Feminist

Misogyny is pervasive. And my three boys are living it all.

Credit: Thinkstock

Ask Momma Bare: Do I Have To Shave?

If you decide pit or leg hair isn't a big deal, then bam! It's not a big deal.

My spiritual awakening found its way.

In Search Of A Spiritual Awakening

I guess the point of a spiritual awakening is just that; if you were already awake, you wouldn’t need a moment that was self-defining. You’d already be defined.
