"There was no mention of how much of the movie he’ll spend shirtless." Image: flickr.com, discutivo
So, I’m scrolling through my news feed this morning, looking for something to brighten my day, and I see a headline that catches my eye. Seems 21 Jump Steet co-stars Channing Tatum and Jillian Bell are slated to star in a remake of Splash, the 1984 movie where Daryl Hannah played a mermaid seeking love on land.
“Oh wow,” I thought to myself. “How cool would it be if Channing Tatum were the mer-person in this movie?”
Then I opened the article, and YOU GUYS!!!!!!! CHANNING TATUM WILL BE THE MER-PERSON!!!!!!!
There was no mention of how much of the movie he’ll spend shirtless.
Apparently the whole idea was Jillian Bell’s, and Disney picked it up because they love us and want us to be happy watching Channing Tatum eat a lobster, shell and all, the way Daryl Hannah did in the original. Maybe without a shirt. Because he’d mess up a shirt doing that.
I’m only thinking of his interests here.
Disney has hired Marja-Lewis Ryan, who adapted Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In, to write the script. No word on when production will begin.
Nor is there word on whether Tatum will practice his merman swimming moves someplace where we can watch them. If he swims like he dances, that would be something to see!