Sex + Love

From now on, as hard as it may sound, I’m giving less power to Instagram.

Love, Alexi: I Stopped Letting Instagram Interfere In My Relationship

From now on, as hard as it may sound, I’m giving less power to Instagram. I realized I was wrapping all my self-worth in attention from another person.

Reading in bed together, while it might not be a major milestone — like marriage or having children — truly is a significant event in a relationship.

How Reading In Bed Together Can Be Hotter Than Having Sex

Reading in bed together, while it might not be a major milestone — like marriage or having children — truly is a significant event in a relationship.

Thank you, Isolde, for making me pause, for encouraging me to ditch the pocket computer for conversation with someone new.

What Staying With A Stranger Taught Me About Intimacy

Thank you, Isolde, for making me pause, for encouraging me to ditch the pocket computer for conversation with someone new.


Love, Alexi: How I Nearly Let Instagram Ruin My Relationship

I’m not proud to type any of this. Not proud at all. I wish I could forget that I ever nearly let Instagram ruin my relationship.

 I didn’t realize was how much planning a wedding would teach me about friendship.

What Getting Married Is Teaching Me About Friendship ​

When my soon-to-be-husband proposed I knew wedding planning would teach me about our relationship. I didn’t realize it would teach me about friendship.

There are some people who are all for dating a co-worker; after all, we spend more time in the office than almost anywhere else.

I Dated My Co-Worker... And Now I Know Why You Shouldn't

There are some people who are all for dating a co-worker; after all, we spend more time in the office than almost anywhere else.

No, not a relationship coach or therapist. I decided to go to a matchmaker.

My Friends Turned Out To Be Better Matchmakers Than The Professional

My first impression of the matchmaker was that she was someone with whom I’d be friends. Yet, my real friends turned out to be better matchmakers.
