Jen Glantz
Jen Glantz Articles
Give yourself a deadline and get to work to make things whole again. You’ll suddenly free up a lot of your brain power when you release mental clutter!
Read...When I found out that my boyfriend lied to me, twice, about going to a strip club, I thought I’d have the guts to be able to handle it better than I did.
Read...Friendship breakups are hard! My friend couldn’t give me much of a reason as to why she didn’t want to be gal pals any longer.
Read...I went to learn about the options to freeze my eggs so that when I was ready to make a decision about having kids, I wouldn’t have to worry about my age.
Read...So my ask to all of the people out there who are married, engaged, or in a relationship, please stop asking us single people to do these four things.
Read...I realized, by the age of 25, that I needed to make new friends, and I needed to make them fast. Making friends as an adult is hard.
Read...I’ll admit it; I, Jennifer Sara Glantz, have ghosted my fair share of guys in New York City. Nothing made me feel as bad as when I ghosted my therapist.
Read...Plus-size rent the runway services are becoming so popular. Finally, more and more of these clothing box services are popping up for women of all sizes!
Read...I soon realized that admiring everyone’s seemingly perfect life was making me spiral into a pit of holiday season depression and I couldn't climb out.
Read...Deciding to tell your partner that you want to see a therapist can be scary. And sometimes it's even a good idea to see someone together!