
When Your Mother Is Your Abuser 

I spent seventeen years in an abusive relationship. Not only do I the physical scars to prove it, I carefully tote a heavy heap of emotional scars. Humiliation, fear, and shame were poured into my heart for years, by a person that claimed to love me - my mother.


Woman You Are Not Free

At 21, a man feels that it is his right to grab at you, from your crotch to your ass while you are relatively sober in a nightclub. Nightclubs become a nightmare.


From GED to Ph.D: How I Made It 

My biggest dream was to graduate high school. To this day, my GED is the diploma I am the most proud of.


Baltimore Mother Who Beat Protesting Son Is A Child Abuser, Not "Mother of the Year"

You don't get to beat someone simply because you have a feeling. And that is true whether you are a mother or a cop.


Why “Just Eat in Moderation” Is A Destructive Response To My Disordered Eating

I can’t just eat in moderation—at least not yet. But I am fine-tuning and honing and perfecting my body with the honor, respect, and love of a hand-crafted sword.

Credit: ThinkStock

Debate On "Free-Range Parenting" Obscures Real Issues Facing Children

It's easy and painless to poke our noses into the minutiae of other parents' decisions, but it in no way tackles the real epidemic of child abuse.

Credit: ThinkStock

If I Had Stayed

The more I told him that something hurt me, the more that he did it.


I'm An MRA-Bashing Feminist—But Because I'm Male, Trolls Leave Me Alone

No one has ever threatened violence against me, or said I was too ugly to rape. Why? Male privilege.
