
I felt so much nothing that it was an emotion unto itself: the feeling of having no feelings.

Sometimes It's Hard To Feel Things Again: Adjusting To Life After Depression

[CN: vomit] Having been an unfeeling, sluggish husk of a person with the nap-taking skills of an elderly sloth for the past five months or so, I have reemerged too tender for this world.

I felt so much nothing that it was an emotion unto itself: the feeling of having no feelings.

Sometimes It's Hard To Feel Things Again: Adjusting To Life After Depression

[CN: vomit] Having been an unfeeling, sluggish husk of a person with the nap-taking skills of an elderly sloth for the past five months or so, I have reemerged too tender for this world.

I will be kind to myself in times of difficulty AND times of ease. Image: Thinkstock.

How Mental Health Awareness Helps Me Cope With My Mental Illnesses

[CN: PTSD, self-harm] I’m choosing this moment to remember that mental health awareness is about celebrating my victories as well as seeking medications for my biochemical imbalances.

I will be kind to myself in times of difficulty AND times of ease. Image: Thinkstock.

How Mental Health Awareness Helps Me Cope With My Mental Illnesses

[CN: PTSD, self-harm] I’m choosing this moment to remember that mental health awareness is about celebrating my victories as well as seeking medications for my biochemical imbalances.


3 Great Things About Me — Because Of My Mental Illness

It's not all rainbows and butterflies, but there are a few face-up pennies and surprise bonus chicken nuggets thrown in the mix.

I am a social creature, and crave the sense of connection I find online. Image: Benjamin Child/Unsplash.

How I Manage My Social Media Anxiety

I used to be the kind of person whose every thought was fodder for Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. No matter how mundane, morbid, ridiculous, or inconsequential, I shared it. You might even say that sharing it was part and parcel of experiencing it.

 smaller, less glamorous fears can be much more important to face than the huge, exciting ones. They can be scarier too, and much more complex.

Sweating The Small Stuff

I’d been so busy patting myself on the back for conquering my big fears, I failed to acknowledge that the types of things that scare me had shifted. A lot of the obvious stuff didn’t bother me anymore — but what about all the smaller, more personal things that still scared the living shit out of me?

“I feel like I’m a supporting character in my own life.”

Insightful Comments Psychologists Have Heard From Patients About Mental Illness

Thanks to awareness campaigns, programs and organisations, our general understanding and recognition of mental illness is improving. However, it’s impossible to imagine what life with depression or anxiety or schizophrenia is like if you’ve never been diagnosed with one of these conditions. A recent Reddit thread provides a heart-wrenching insight into the realities and challenges of these illnesses — in the words of people living with them. [In December], Redditor theone1221 asked psychiatrists and psychologists to share “the most profound or insightful thing” they had ever heard from a patient with a mental illness.
