body positivity

#5: More cushion for know the rest.

5 Reasons Why Being Plump Trumps Being Slim

My wrinkles are filled by plump instead of poison. As my svelte friends talk Botox, I can simply smile and not only because my face still allows it. Cosmetic surgery is ubiquitous with my fashion-forward skinny friends.

Fat isn't bad.

3 Tiny Ways That Thin People Can Shift Their Language To Support Fat Acceptance

So you’re on a diet, and you’re really pumped about it. You truly, honestly believe that you’re—say—“getting your body back” post-partum (that’s a harmful concept) or improving your fitness a la the latest technological tracking device (that’s also a harmful concept). And while I think we need to throw a lot of these ideas in the trash, I’m also understanding of how diet culture makes you believe that these are good things – things, in fact, to brag about.

Your host, Justin Dennis

What Is Fat Shaming? A Video From Justin Dennis

Fat shaming is the worst. Shaming pretty much anything is the worst, really, but some people seem to think that fatness is exempt from that idea.


5 Things That Your Friend With An Eating Disorder Wants You to Know

"Because diet culture is so ingrained in our society, and therefore our psyches, a common misconception about eating disorders – and particularly those of the restricting and purging varieties – is that they’re choices that people make with the end goal of losing weight."

Carrie and her son E

Measuring Worth: Why Weight Doesn’t {Really} Matter

Something powerful shifted for me when I turned 30. I decided to stop caring about my weight as a means to measure my success, beauty and worth as a woman. I gave myself permission to care for my body, and to care for the woman inside that body first.

Image: Dane Schnittman/The Outlaws Photo Project.

I’m Transgender And I Need Body Positivity Too

This is fancy talk for “holy shit, I cannot make peace with my body today or ever, because this body is telling the world I’m a woman when I’m actually not.”


Boobs vs. Brains: Making Amends With My Complicated Body

When I got boobs, I also got a body. A body that was (and is) not skinny.


Fierce Fat Ladies: A Taxonomy

There are more fat women out there than just Tess Holliday
