With celebrities suggesting that people eliminate entire food groups in the name of “cleansing” and/or “eating clean," Dr. Jessen comments: “I’ve had many, many patients, so many of them teenagers, convinced that their healthy lifestyle and their clean-eating regime was really helping them when actually all it was doing was helping them hide their increasingly disordered eating and to cover up an underlying eating disorder.”
Read...Kourtney Kardashian is a good source of entertainment and style inspiration. However, her detox diet sounds stupid and probably bad for you and also won’t detox you because you are not toxic.
Read...Twice a year, I embark on a one to two week cleanse. I feel invigorated, I sleep better, my libido rises, and I'm able to use it as a reset to return to eating foods that make my body feel good.
Read...4. Bring sexy back — Your underwear drawer is starting to resemble your gran's. What happened to the sexy lingerie you used to enjoy buying (a long time ago)?
Read...Hollywood starlets Zoe Kravitz and Shailene Woodley are touting the weight-loss benefits of clay. Sounds a bit dirty to us.