
How Do Memoirists Survive Telling Their Hard Stories? 

"Writing about trauma or difficult experiences doesn’t repair that trauma,” said Melanie. “It doesn’t make it go away. But I kept hearing what a transformative thing it was for [the memoirists] to shape these stories into something that they could be proud of.”

Confidence can be faked, but healing takes time, energy, and work. But it's worth it. (Image Credit: Instagram/virgietovar)

Take The Cake: The Confidence-Industrial Complex

Like many women and girls, I was taught that confidence is a commodity that we can use to attain romantic and sexual attention from men. We spend a lot of money and energy trying to capture that elusive sense that we are worth a damn. But for me, healing has become my primary focus and it has led to major shifts in my sense of self, more clarity about what I need, and a deeper relationship to my desire.

Music is a way to connect, a way to heal... a way of life, even.

On Using Music To Manage Mental Illness

Even when he was trying his very hardest not to survive, my Dad still gave himself music. And somewhere along the way, he gave it to me too.


Looking For New Ways To Practice Self-Care? Dance It Out!

Self-care can be a lot of things.

EMDR has become an essential part of my trauma recovery.

Be The Person You Needed: My Experience With EMDR Therapy (So Far)

EMDR is the most compassionate and empowering therapy I have ever undergone.

A decade is a long time to lose with a loved one...

Forgiving My Father After A Decade Of Estrangement

Two years ago, I had a two-year-old daughter who’d never met her grandfather.

There is so much freedom in releasing all the burdens we don't need to carry anymore. (Image Credit: UnSplash/Aral Tasher)

Fall In Love With Letting Go

The country is kind of obsessed with KonMari. I get it. Truly, I do.

Love for a child never goes away.

'The First Thing Was I Felt Remembered:' LOVE Bracelets For Grieving Parents

The original meaning of the LOVE bracelet, for me, was that my love for my son would never go away. It just was in a different form now. The physical was gone. But my bracelet was a reminder that the LOVE is always there. Six years down the road for me, I know there are so many other hard things that come along with losing a child.
