
Let’s stop pretending like it’s irrelevant.

Politics Can And Should Ruin Friendships

To claim that something is “just politics” is to point out how much privilege you have, either systematically or incidentally.

Maybe his face is birth control?

What Trump Has In Mind For Birth Control And Your Health

If you're considering an IUD, now is the time to get it.

If anything, now that a reality star is the President, surely it's more important than ever that celebrities use their platforms to achieve positive outcomes?

In Trump's America, Celebrity Political Advocacy Might Be Just What We Need

Celebrities have a platform, and regardless of whether or not they’re affected by the decisions of the country’s legislators, they’re able to speak out.

Rafael voted for Trump, and he still supports the man. It's a testament to my isolated bubble that I had no idea how to respond. (Image Credit: Flickr/Gage Skidmore)

A Trump Voter At My Kitchen Table

The topic of Trump came up, and Rafael was immediately and vocally enthusiastic. But when he asked me why I didn’t like Trump, the collective weight of all the reasons crushed my brain, and I murmured, “Where to start?” He didn't wait for me to organize my anti-Trump arguments.

It gives me great confidence in our relationship that we agree on the important issues — be that a woman’s right to choose or a family’s right to keep their baby boys intact.

I Picked My Partner Because He Doesn't Believe In Circumcision

Properly cleaning it and putting on a condom just didn’t seem like a big deal. And as for the supposed unsightliness of an uncircumcised penis? Well, just too bad.

How ironic, then, that my second grader effectively predicted the election before the pundits and election nerds at The New York Times.

Raising A Daughter In The Era Of Trump

Despite eight years of progress, the racist, sexist America that I grew up in wasn’t actually gone, it was just waiting in the wings.


My Kids Think I've Lost My Sh*t

The goddamn election has turned me into a cursing motherf*#+er.

Jon Ossoff is trying to #flipthe6th by winning as a Democrat. Celebs can help by shutting up. (Image Credit: Instagram/jonosstoff)

If Hollywood Really Wants To Help Jon Ossoff, They Should Be Quiet Now

Democrats and Hollywood. Hollywood and Democrats.
