
I didn’t realize just how much I needed — or how the packing game had changed — until I needed to place it all neatly into my (now) overflowing suitcase. Image: condesign/Pixabay.

5 Ways Being Pregnant Has Changed My Travel Prep Game

Pregnancy changes more than just your body and your emotions: it changes the “stuff” that you need on a daily basis, too. I didn’t realize just how much I needed — or how the packing game had changed — until I needed to place it all neatly into my (now) overflowing suitcase.

We don’t often give pregnant people realistic expectations or dote on them postpartum, as we should. Image: Thinkstock.

The Postpartum Period Is For Self-Care (Not Just Taking Care Of The Baby)

CN: mention of postpartum depression/suicidality. Generally, in my experience, people often get so excited about a new baby, that they forget that postpartum women need doting on, too.

I only took a few drags, not sure how I would handle it, and not wanting to get too altered, after all these years. Image: Thinkstock.

Domestic Dope: One Housewife, Half A Gram, And A Clean-A** House

I’ll be the first to admit that a large part of my twenties was spent in a euphoric haze brought on by fairly regular pot smoking. I loved the stuff — and it certainly loved me. I don't feel I ever had a “problem” with it, but I did feel a strong pull to have it in my life.

When you grow up, you must come home and visit Mommy. And you must bring her hugs. And also vodka. Image: Thinkstock.

Absurd Things You Say To Your Kids

“Don’t talk to strangers. Unless they resemble George Clooney and have a steady job at Microsoft. In that case, give them Mommy’s number, or just walk them straight home with you.”

Our kids define so much of our existence — shouldn't we at least take a break when we get a chance and talk about something other than them? Image: Thinkstock.

Can We Please Stop Talking About Our Kids?

I don't want motherhood to be where my life begins and ends. Sure, we can still talk about our kids, commiserate, and share in one another's parenting accomplishments — but at some point, we need to be more than mere storytellers of our children's lives.

At 12 and 10 years old, my girls are still in the age range where society tells me that I should be presenting a polished version of myself to them. Image: Thinkstock.

3 Reasons I Refuse To Hide My Feelings From My Daughters

The reality is that any person I love, including my daughters, can deeply hurt my feelings. Does this mean that I hold my daughters to the same level of emotional accountability as my husband or my best friend? Nope, but for it damn sure doesn’t mean that I morph into some feeling-less version of myself because I’m a mother, either.

Peyton, Ella, and Max

My Nanny Saved My Life

Nannies are for mothers. Nannies pick up the "slack" for the mothers who aren't cutting it. Practically no one has ever said, “That guy is really not handling this whole “dad” thing. He should really hire a nanny.” Fathers don't need slack picked up. Fathers are allowed to be gone. Fathers do not apologize for their career choices.

You have never had to be so flexible, literally and figuratively, in your life. Image: Hua Zhan/Pixabay.

Congratulations, New Parents — You're Screwed.

There is actually no way to prepare for parenthood.
