Allison Yates


Allison is a writer, English teacher, and tea and coconut water enthusiast. Aside from travel and social justice topics, she loves to write about awkward situations and entertaining conversations. She also takes photos curious objects around world, her favorite collection being creative bathroom signs across Europe and Asia.

Allison Yates Articles

Other cultures provide more opportunities to see a variety of bodies in the nude.

Your Lack Of Nudity Is Hurting Us All

I want more nudist-friendly spaces. I’m not saying it’s the answer to all of our problems, but I think it could help.

“I think I fell in love at first sight,” I had texted a friend.

I Fell in Love At First Sight (But I’m Glad It Didn’t Work Out)

Some things, like love at first sight, are better left unfinished.

Private waxings don’t show how tough we are, how much uncomfortableness we can endure. Public ones, however, seem to earn some respect. Now, if we could just show that same attitude to all women, hairy or not.

I Had A Crowd Watching Me Get Waxed

They stood, expectantly in the window, their bodies contorting and shriveling with each movement the woman made, anticipating the climax: the big rip. It was as if they were watching a horror movie they’d already seen.

Just like everyone else’s on that beach, my body was just a body.

How I Gained F*** Off Status Going Topless In Ibiza 

Just like everyone else’s on that beach, my body was just a body. I didn’t even have to love it, but I didn’t have my fear of it control my life, either.
