Carrie Saum


Carrie is an author, recipe creator, food lover, and feels super pumped about connecting people in her online community, With a great sense of humor, warmth, and vulnerability, Carrie brings genuine reality to the Internet, along with tasty food and slightly inappropriate jokes. After receiving her paramedic medical training, Carrie spent a decade abroad and in the U.S. in the non-profit medical sector, before venturing into the world of Ayurveda and integrated health in 2011.Carrie uses her skills mostly for good these days, and helps clients from all over the world meet their health goals. She loves spending time around the table with her young son, partner, family, and friends. She lives in Portland, Oregon.

Carrie Saum Articles

#RavsRecipes: Pumpkin SPIKED Latte

#RavsRecipes: Pumpkin SPIKED Latte

This is the season where we Pumpkin Spice ALL the things. Pumpkin spice lattes? Check. Pumpkin spice chocolate? Check. Muffins, cake, cookies, scones, sodas, and Cheerios? CHECK. If scientists could figure out how to pumpkin spice newborn babies and puppies, I'm sure they would because we are crazy about All Things Pumpkin Spice.

Whether Waldorf was a wealthy hotel owner or progressive school master, the Waldorf salad is DELISH.

#RavsRecipes: Waldorf Chicken Salad

Whoever Waldorf is, I love their style of salads the most. Fruit, celery, creamy goodness. It's hard to go wrong. I mean, you CAN go wrong, but you shouldn't because that would be silly.

#RavsRecipes: Coffee Cake Sugar Scrub

#RavsRecipes: Coffee Cake Sugar Scrub

I've been taking some time this summer to focus on self-care.

#RavsRecipes: Cold-Brew Pumpkin Spice Coffee

#RavsRecipes: Cold-Brew Pumpkin Spice Coffee

What’s more refreshing than a piping hot mug of coffee? Well, lots of things. How about a recipe for cold-brew pumpkin spice coffee instead?

Here's how to cope with a toxic family member.

What To Do When You Have A Toxic Family Member

Do you have that ONE family member? The one that makes family gatherings risky at best and scary at worst. Here's how to cope with a toxic family member.

Photo by Philippe Murray-Pietsch on Unsplash

Family Vacation Survival Guide

Summer is officially upon us, and with it comes epic family vacation plans sure to generate tales of your family’s (mis)adventures for years to come.


How Finding Gratitude Helped Me Overcome Trauma

Motherhood didn’t pan out the way I anticipated, not even a little bit. It was so much more electrifying and terrifying and amazing than I ever imagined.

Over the years, I've learned that Lance's favorite cake is — contrarily and unironically — called pie. Boston Creme Pie. Image: Our Stable Table.

#RavsRecipes: Boston Creme Pie

We celebrated our six-week date-a-versary on Lance's birthday. All he wanted was to binge-watch Scrubs and cuddle and eat cake in bed. If there was any question that he was my soulmate before that moment, it was laid to rest. We stayed in bed, watched TV, and ate cake. It was pretty magical, if I'm honest.

Chocolate: the ultimate love language

#RavsRecipes: Molten Truffle Brownies

In the spirit of melted chocolate and simple, decadent expressions of love, I made a little treat for my friends.

My thin bank account cannot accommodate your spendy eating ways, and I know I’m not alone.

Check Your Food Privilege

The truthiest truth, though, is food is expensive. It costs a pretty penny to feed yourself well, with conviction, ethical sourcing, and quality ingredients. It’s OK if you are privileged enough to be able to eat a certain way — there is NO SHAME in that. But please. be careful not to shame those who are unable to eat according to YOUR convictions.
