Sarah Gladstone

Sarah Gladstone


Writer, reader, general fan of all forms of honest storytelling. Optimistic realist, packaged like a pessimist. Strong believer in real world magic, intersectionality, and exploring gender and stories of mixed race identity. Supporter of public libraries, breakfast for dinner, and denim-on-denim. 

Sarah Gladstone Articles

Babies: Adorable Mischief Makers! New Theory On Why Babies Cry At Night

A new study is questioning why babies cry all night and generally exhaust their parents... and no it's not because they're hungry, wet, lonely or scared. It's way more calculated—we're talking Stewie-style world domination.


Whitney White: Vlogger, Naptural85

naptural hair pioneer. youtube inspiration.


Last Night a (Baby) DJ Saved My Life

If Millennials were the guinea pig generation for all things mobile, online, and “i,” that means the new generation of Smartphone Babies will be th


15 Problems You'll Only Understand If You're A Jew Who Doesn't 'Look Jewish'

No one wants to have to say, “Shalom! I’m a child of Israel, and you are . . . ?”


Miley Goes Topless, Talks Sh*t, Claims to be Punk-Rock Feminist

Miley seems to be predictable only in the sense that we can always expect a controversy spilling from her lips. (Or loins.)


US Army Bans Nap-tural Styles for Women, Causes Racial Stir

Women who want to wear their hair natural must choose: protect your curls or protect your country. Because apparently, you can’t have it both ways.

A Napa home damaged by the earthquake (Credit: Alvin Jornada/EPA)

This Is What Your First Earthquake Feels Like

Yesterday morning, I was shaken by the 6.0 magnitude earthquake that struck the Bay Area.


"Swirling" vs. Same Race Relationships — Will We Ever Reach a Post-Race America?

Even in today's progressive era, why do so many people prefer same race relationships...and should it even matter?
