Kelly Burch

Kelly Burch


Kelly Burch is a writer and editor based in New Hampshire. She is the editor of Renew Magazine, a lifestyle publication for people who are in recovery from addiction. She writes frequently about mental illness and addiction issues, and anything else that catches her attention. You can connect with Kelly and read more of her work on her blog or on Facebook.   

Kelly Burch Articles

(Image Credit: Thinkstock)

Postpartum Depression Made Me A Better Mental Health Advocate

I clearly remember the first time that I was forced to accept that something was wrong.


The Many Issues With The CDC’s Recommendations Around Women And Alcohol

Last week, I did something reckless. I went out for Mexican food, and drank a margarita. The server didn’t ask for my ID, and she didn’t even ask for proof that my ovaries were on lock down.

The scale isn't the best indictor of health — no matter how old you are.

My Daughter’s Failure To Thrive Taught Me To Ignore the Scale

“Then why are you so worried about the scale?” Why was I? I had finally let go of the scale as an indicator of my own health, but my inability to do the same when it came to my daughter was bringing up the same old feelings of inadequacy and frustration.

Those living with terminal cancer need support too (Image Credit: Thinkstock)

Moving Beyond The Pink Ribbons

In order to connect with other men and women living with a terminal diagnosis, LoRe founded Hope and Friendship Metastatic Breast Cancer Foundation, which provides a support group in northern Massachusetts, where she lives. Through the support group LoRe has seen the devastating effects of breast cancer, which too often go unnoticed amid early detection and awareness campaigns.

Travel is a privilege. Image: Thinkstock.

4 Reasons I Sent My Toddler Across The Country — Without Me

Growing up, travel was a luxury that was simply out of reach, so I know firsthand that travel is a privilege that not everyone can enjoy.

"Body shaming is just one more thing in this big, scary world that I can’t protect her from, but damned if I’ll stop trying."

The Day I Realized I Can't Protect My Daughter From Body Shaming

My toddler was twirling in her tutu bathing suit while I shimmied into my plus-sized polka dot bikini.

Taking the leap!

Leap Day: An Excuse To Spoil Yourself

There’s something fascinating about a date that you only get during one-quarter of your years on the planet — an extra, bonus day, that’s a bit outside the norm. According to English tradition, Leap Day is the one day when women can propose to men, the idea being that a day that falls outside the normal social bounds is perfect for breaking convention. You don’t have to propose to your love today (although if you plan to, be sure to share the story with us!), but I challenge you to break with the tradition of self-sacrifice, and take some time on this bonus day to put yourself first.

Paint everywhere? OK.

5 Battles I Won’t Fight With My Toddler

“How many time have I asked you….” I say in frustration, and then it hits me. The real question I should be asking is how many times I’ve uttered that phrase.

No relationship is perfect, not even with super mom. (Image: Thinkstock)

7 Unexpected Benefits To My Mom Moving Abroad

My mom and I are extremely close. Some would say we’re a little too close, but since she fills two roles in my life — mother and best friend — I think it’s fair that she get a double slice of my love and attention. I was completely devastated when she announced that she was moving to Dubai. But now, my mother has lived abroad for more than two years, and I can see that her move was a good thing.
