
Image: Raffi Asdourian

Ryan Gosling’s Twitter Followers And Why I Won’t Apologize For Wanting A Woman President

I won’t apologize for wanting a candidate who can understand what it’s like to be a woman in our political and social climate.

Latkes for the win!

#RavsRecipes: BAE Sweet Potato Latkes

I can’t promise this will cure everything that ails you, but it’s a good start to a new year if nothing else.


Testosterone And Tea With Sam Dylan Finch: Week 3

Testosterone has brought me to a whole other level of body affirmation and acceptance.

Lingerie for an active lifestyle

A Brief Look At What Women Wear Under Dresses

Tights with control top: We may have gone a little overboard. A few too many beers. Several too many pizza deliveries.

Doesn't that look delicious? Image: <a href="">Wikipedia</a>

White Foods Are Disgusting And Probably Poison

Is anyone else with me on this? White foods are NASTY.

We're all in this together.

How Can I Help?: Acknowledging White Guilt, Privilege, And Feminism

My journey to acknowledging my guilt and privilege while embracing my feminist view on the world has been a slow, winding trip — with no end in sight.

Like the book says: Everybody poops!

Everybody Poops!: Why We Shouldn’t Poop Shame

Recently, my poop schedule got a little wonky and instead of going first thing in the morning (like I prefer), my bowel movements have unfortunately been at work. Usually, this wouldn’t be any issue, except the time I got unintentionally poop shamed.
