
There is only one, beautiful, sparkly diamond like you in this world. Just one. Image: DalaHawk.

The End Of Black History Month: You Do You, I'm Doing Me

Let me tell you something, ladies. There are a million people in this world ready to tear you down at any given moment, for reasons they know, and reasons they don’t know. They will all but sell the blood of their firstborn child to make sure you know that they think you ain’t shit.


No — It’s A Diet, Not A Lifestyle

So, back in the diet season frenzy of December 2007/January 2008, Weight Watchers came out with a new campaign that bashed diets. (Seriously, you've got to check it out. It'll blow your mind.) They called diet a four letter word and said that diets don’t work, are mean, and “take away the things we love."


No — It’s A Diet, Not A Lifestyle

So, back in the diet season frenzy of December 2007/January 2008, Weight Watchers came out with a new campaign that bashed diets. (Seriously, you've got to check it out. It'll blow your mind.) They called diet a four letter word and said that diets don’t work, are mean, and “take away the things we love."

pie 4ever

An Ode To Winter Fluff

While buttoning my pants today I found to my dismay / that my skinny jeans get skinnier with every passing day. / For the past few months, in fact, I’ve watched with shock and wonder / as my stomach’s gotten softer and my thighs accrued more thunder.

Taking the leap!

Leap Day: An Excuse To Spoil Yourself

There’s something fascinating about a date that you only get during one-quarter of your years on the planet — an extra, bonus day, that’s a bit outside the norm. According to English tradition, Leap Day is the one day when women can propose to men, the idea being that a day that falls outside the normal social bounds is perfect for breaking convention. You don’t have to propose to your love today (although if you plan to, be sure to share the story with us!), but I challenge you to break with the tradition of self-sacrifice, and take some time on this bonus day to put yourself first.

Lent was when everyone admitted that you were supposed to suffer, and my constant inner struggles with church and my body and my brain could come out and breathe in the heavy, ashy air.

Why I Gave Up Lent For Lent

Lent is serious. I mean, it starts with people putting ashes on their faces while someone chants, "Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return," and then it ends with Jesus being tortured to death and then coming back to life. Yikes. I mean, I know we don’t have the monopoly on intense religious traditions, but dang, we Christians sure know how to party/freak out 6-year olds.

Bolstering my conviction that I was just eating smartly, people applauded my diet. However, before long, I met the criteria for anorexia.

How I Became Anorexic Without Even Knowing It

When people picture an eating disorder, they often imagine shocking behaviors that deviate wildly from normal eating. But our society’s definition of “normal,” especially for women, can look so similar to an eating disorder that it’s hard to tell when you’ve crossed the line between healthy and disordered eating. That's why, by following popular health advice, I became anorexic without even knowing it.

The thing about exercise is, it doesn't present like an illness. Neither does dramatic weight loss.

That Time My Eating Disorder Broke My Leg

The thing about exercise is, it doesn't present like an illness. Neither does dramatic weight loss. Suffering is revered. Pain is praised. The more I endured, the more I was. Marathon training, riding my bike 10 miles a day, lifting weights for 45 minutes, running the stairs at work: I was "dedicated."
