I’ve never been able to embrace the life of no regrets. Regrets are stubborn seeds that plant themselves in my mind, refusing to leave until something grows from them. I water them by reliving my past until I figure out what I would do differently if I could go back. Eventually, I do go back, even if the situation is slightly different.
Read...My job is to make you feel — whether it’s lust, pride, anger, guilt, joy, sadness — whatever it is you feel, I want you to feel it.
Read...Now, it may seem like the NRA is comprised of emotionally stunted gun fetishists with a shriveled up copy of the second amendment where their hearts should be, but that’s simply not true. They totally cry about stuff! Not mass shootings of children, but other stuff. Just to be clear, here are 10 things worth crying #REALTEARS, according to the NRA.
Read...3. Do you masturbate? First, what each person does with or to their body is nobody else’s business. Remember, asexuality is about sexual attraction not necessarily sexual desire or arousal. Simply put, most asexual people can experience sexual arousal; some asexuals masturbate and some do not.
Read...The “daughter bump” is actually very common when it comes to influencing our political leanings — whether that’s for voters or elected officials. In a study for the American Journal of Political Science, researchers Maya Sen and Adam Glynn found that having a daughter has a marked effect on judges’ decisions.
Read...Someone yelled out a racist comment, and Trump said, “Hey, I can’t say it, but he can.”
Read..."We were writing two-letter sounds in writing the other day. Like –Ch, -Sh, -Ph and –Ck. The worksheet had –U-C-K, and the children were instructed to write a letter in front of –UCK to make a word."
Read...A small child secure in her parent or guardian’s love, should never see a prolonged, intense scene of a man, mouse, girl, or dinosaur losing a parent — and in this case, being responsible for a parent’s death — without a trigger warning and notes for discussion.